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Will Christopher Baer -
Kiss Me, Judas

Kiss Me, Judas

Buy Paperback Buy eBook Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan Kiss Me Judas had me constantly feeling as though I’d stepped off a mental Tilt-A-Whirl. While it’s never confusing, it’s often confounding and Baer gives the reader just enough...
Penny Dreadful

Penny Dreadful

Buy Paperback Buy eBook Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan Just re read this guy. This time I ran through the MacAdam hardcover. First time I read it was my old $1, used Viking hardcover. The MacAdam’s a much cooler design. Anyway, the story’s an...
Hell’s Half Acre

Hell’s Half Acre

Buy Paperback Buy eBook Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan Oh, how I’d missed Jude, my biggest literary crush since Marla Singer or Lauren Hynde (though, she could dismember both with her bare hands). Just a mind blowingly good novel. I absolutely loved...
Will Christopher Baer

Will Christopher Baer

Will Christopher Baer is an American author of noir fiction, often delving into sex, violence, mystery and erotica. Currently published works include Kiss Me, Judas, Penny Dreadful and Hell’s Half Acre, all of which have since been published in the single volume...