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Mikhail Bulgakov -
Heart of a Dog

Heart of a Dog

Buy Paperback Buy eBook Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan I liked this book, especially the way it was moulded together; a dog turned into a man then back into a dog is a fanciful way of thinking about life. But this is fiction and in fiction you can write about...
The Master and Margarita

The Master and Margarita

Buy Paperback Buy eBook Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan More or less a novel, this book is also an allegory. Like Moby Dick, there are probably a dozen interpretations that can be given to it. The extensive local color comes from Moscow in the early Twentieth...
Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov

Mikhail Bulgakov was born in Kyiv, Russian Empire (today Ukraine) on May 15 1891. He studied and briefly practised medicine and, after indigent wanderings through revolutionary Russia and the Caucasus, he settled in Moscow in 1921. His sympathetic portrayal of White...