Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan
It’s a thrilling ride of two people in love and doing whatever they want to do before their final days. They have a plan and they are writing a book about their experiments and crazy, bizarre doings. It’s a page turner. You want to find out what is going to happen next. The characters are fun loving and for me, somewhat relatable.It’s raw and real. The ending will leave you saying “whoa!”

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader
I’m really having trouble sticking with this. Nothing has me interested in the story or the characters. If they’re going to kill themselves, I wish they would do it in the next five pages.
Finished: I hate when authors use typical, cliched settings to give a story atmosphere. One of the most common settings, to give a quirky, carefree atmoshpere is Key West. This could be set anywhere and it would be no better(or worse).
The main character reminds me of the stupid, white-trash slut the Julliette Lewis seems to play in every movie.
I have trouble quitting a book. I wanted to quit this one early on, but stuck with it. I read to enjoy, but I did not enjoy this.