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Glamorama -

Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan

if you were to ask my what my favorite work of fiction was, on most days, I would respond with Glamorama. Celebrity fashion models become terrorists. Photographs and appearances in the gossip columns of the worlds major newspapers begin to replace reality. Sex and drugs are consumed in mass quantities. Bombs go off. Celebrities die horrific deaths, told in a cold, obsessively detailed manner. There is a chapter long description of an passanger airlplane explosion that I now, unfortunately, think of every time I am strapped into one, preparing for takeoff. This book is not for the squeamish.

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader

Pure disgust for humanity, in every single sentence.

Might be true, in certain ways, might be well written, but it made me feel subhuman and aggressively angry for weeks. I do not see any point in immersing oneself in this kind of violent, sex-driven hate relationships, based on a primitive animal instinct to mate and kill.

I have read many dark accounts of humankind’s degeneration, but this is just filth. And a desire to shock an audience that has heard, seen and read it all, and thus needs more brutal violence, more complicated sex positions, more vicious competition to satisfy numb senses.

If this is reality, I opt for escapism.

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