Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan

The book that cemented Thompson’s reputation as the premier journalist of the crazed, and deservedly so. Thompson rode and hung with the Angels for a couple of years, and he presents them, at the height of their notoriety, through his own cynical, paranoiac freak prism. So we see the Angels as bearded, drooling, vicious outlaws ready to rape or stomp anything and anyone who crosses their path, but we also see them as tired old goons, knowing full well that they’re losers, and just trying to hang on to the little they have that separates them from total ruin.

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader

For me, HST is definitely not an “author” I would recommend to anyone. While this was his first book, it was incredibly obvious that it was his first. The book was circular and just kept going on and on. And on. And on some more. I hate not finishing a book, but this book was much better when I tossed it in the trash. It would get zero stars, but I am forced to give one.

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