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The Elephant Tree -

Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan

Initially I wasn’t sure what to expect from The Elephant Tree and only bought the ebook because it was cheap but how glad I am that I did. I think this is the modern day equivalent of the bargain bin books I used to find hidden gems in when I was a kid.

It’s difficult to describe the certain elements of intrigue in The Elephant Tree without giving away any spoilers, but I will say that this is far more than your typical case of crime fiction – police procedural coupled with predictable clichéd romance then tied off in a bow at the end. There is a lot of depth to the character arcs and better plot development than you’d expect in this type of novel. The interwoven storylines get better still as you progress through the book without ever feeling contrived as an excuse to squeeze in more chapters.

I’m not typically someone who is drawn to this kind of book, but I did love this and will seek out more by R D Ronald in the future. I’d certainly recommend this to fans of crime or thrillers in general, but don’t expect the same ride that you’re used to. Full marks from me for daring to break the mold on what I had considered to be a bit of a stuffy genre.

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader

This book was pure shit and I wish I could give it negative stars. One dimensional characters. Boring as fucking predictable plot. Ugh. Just ugh. I’m probably even more disappointed because the last three books I read were fantastic. It’s like eating all your meals at a five star restaurant for a few days then someone tries to serve you McDonalds

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