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The Fall -

Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan

The philosophical and psychological study of a man suffering inner turmoil and a crisis of existence, the man in question is one Jean Baptiste Clemance, a Parisian lawyer who while spending time in an Amsterdam bar starts to tell a moving, slightly disturbing story of self-pity and guilt to a complete stranger, only the feeling here was that a mirror was between them and felt more like a confession to himself rather than anyone else. This is Classic Camus and has all the trademarks you would come to expect. Deeply thought provoking, chilling, great narrative and with some memorable lines, my only issue was it’s length at under a hundred pages, I craved for more.

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader

I hated every single page of this terrible book. Jean-Baptiste Clamence is egotistical, obnoxious and pretentious and I couldn’t stand anything that came out of his mouth. If I could have reached through the pages and pushed him in a canal, I would have. With an enormous amount of pleasure.

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