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High Life -

Review from a Transgressive Fiction Fan

Stokoe is easily one of the best writers alive today. This book is #1 on my favorites list. The writing is visceral and exciting to read. It’s impossible to put down. He nails LA and its grittier side. I have given this book to so many friends and they all love it, but some are scarred by just how insane the subject matter is. That is a sign of a great writer; when someone is affected deeply by their prose. Stokoe is a genius. I highly suggest High Life! You won’t regret it.

“Insightful” Review from a Mainstream Reader

Laughably vulgar. Despite the subject matter it struck me as almost juvenile. Maybe it was the male prostitute and the vomit or maybe it was the sex scenes with excrement but I felt I needed to stop reading this for my own well being. Ended it up tossing the book into the recycle bin.

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